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Tendai Matare is a photographer whose work delves into themes of identity and personal narrative. He earned his BA in Design from HyperWerk (FHNW, Switzerland) in 2015, where he developed a deep interest in photography. His graduation project, titled "Like Father Like Son," was exhibited at H95 Raum für Kultur in Basel. This intimate photo series portrayed five young men, including Matare’s younger brother, who grew up without their fathers. The work challenged stereotypes and explored the impact of fatherlessness on male identity.

In 2016, Matare further honed his skills by assisting photographer Tim Thiel. Since then, he has established himself as an independent photographer, continually refining his craft.

In 2024, he completed a Master’s in Photojournalism and Documentary Photography (MAPJD) at the London College of Communication.

During his MA studies, Matare collaborated with the Black Men's Consortium (BMC) in London, an intergenerational, user-led group exploring issues central to Black men, such as mental health, relationships, racial identity, and social justice. The photographs created through this collaboration have been exhibited on multiple occasions, presented alongside live performances by the BMC, further amplifying their stories and experiences.

Matare’s work is characterized by a passion for painting with light and structure, creating images that combine technical precision with compelling visual storytelling.

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